There's a general exhaustion, a loss of control, they cannot follow their usual agenda. They are torn between their unsatisfied people and a pandemic that is going its own path. Instead of all parties getting united and find a common ground they are creating bigger separations within nations and their own country.
Their lack of leadership in the old way is putting them into this situation. They did not learn to lead unified, but they learned to oppose each other. In this situations this brings instability and insecurity to their people and additional fear and uncertainty.
How can those leaders get out of this vicious circle?
By listening more to their heart and less to their mind. Get inspired by nature law to get nourished by a new way of thinking.
Observe how water flows, it finds a new way, a new path when it gets stuck in opposition. Water can go fast, strong, stay still and go deep.
The leaders need to get out of their stubbornness of old agenda and become like water. Calm and deep, before a big storm to be able to resist changes and damages to find the calmness and smooth flow.
Spring is a new beginning, a time to plant new seeds. Time to give new signs of collaboration and union to bring back calmness to our society.
What about spirituality?
Meditation, Yoga, Prayers, all form of connecting to your higher self and to the universe can bring calmness and new solutions to our world and bring back values and virtues to our society.